What Does It Mean to Be a Salesforce LINK Partner?

Looking to incorporate micro-donations on your Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) site? “Good” thinking! E-commerce donations help your brand do good, look good, and drive sales in the process. 

ChangeUp is the only SFCC LINK partner enabling donations for SFCC merchants. Beware of impostor solutions from other platforms that are not LINK certified, as their software can cause problems. Here’s what the Salesforce stamp of approval means:

Made for Salesforce

Find ChangeUp in the SFCC LINK Marketplace, which offers a world of tools to enhance your e-commerce website. These tools are called LINK cartridges and function as website plugins. LINK cartridges are developed and packaged specifically for SFCC functionality, whereas other outside plugins might sacrifice SFCC coding efficiencies to tout a broader offering across various e-commerce platforms.

Certified by Salesforce

Salesforce wants to bring the best technology to its customers and goes to great lengths to vet, test, and approve LINK partners. Developing a LINK cartridge is not something that can be outsourced to a freelance coder and uploaded to the marketplace. Every “link” in the chain, including any developers involved, must be SFCC certified. The high barrier to entry and rigorous certification process makes the LINK Marketplace a reliable resource for scalable, secure enterprise solutions to elevate your e-commerce experience, operations, conversions, and sales.

Dashboard Integrated with Business Manager

LINK partners like ChangeUp build our tools to integrate with Salesforce Business Manager, your main hub for managing all the daily responsibilities that e-commerce brings. Both our dashboard and cartridge are LINK certified, and ChangeUp handles the behind-the-scenes compliance, reporting, donation distribution, monitoring and more—all on the same screen where you live and breathe your business.

Implementation As Quick As One Day!

A leading DTC golf equipment company was able to deploy ChangeUp in a single day to get donate-at-checkout live in time for a nationally televised charity golf tournament. Since Salesforce and its LINK partners have done the hard work upfront, LINK cartridges are extremely easy to download and launch on your site. But don’t wait; tap into our donation technology today and begin accepting donations to any charity in America.


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